Rigid Colar For Improve Shifting (Special Edition)

A proper Transmission Fluid and a healthy transmission should have a good shifting feeling right?like the Spoon rigid colar or any other brand rigid colar for suspension and rigidity,there is an item for shifting too.its quite popular in Japan and here it is:

# Rigid Colar For Improve Shifting (Special Edition):
- its very easy to install them and no need 1day (just an hour or less)
- no need labour for this item,just DIY
- Luck for me to have a DC5 because they have fix to this car model only:

*noted: cannot fit this model...why??? DC2/DB8、EG/EK、CR-Z(ZF1)

#My review:
- shifting become lighter than before
- help prevent the miss shifting

here some of the pic:
The Shift Colar???

For those who can read Japanese,here is the instruction
Actually where to install?
- refer this pic -

there is the slot to install them (Yellow Mark)

Lost:  -